The Global Environment Facility (GEF) is a major funding mechanism for environmental projects globally.
The Bahamas receives the majority of its funds for projects concerning the environment by utilising the GEF. To find out more about projects approved in the past please click here.
Recently approved projects include:
Ecosystem Management (IWEco)
To develop a model of integrated land, water and ecosystem management for The Bahamas and other Small Island Developing States.
Nagoya Protocol: Strengthening Access and Benefit Sharing
To create and apply the enabling conditions for fair and equitable access and effective benefit sharing.
Building a Sustainable National Marine Protected Area Network
To expand protected area coverage of globally significant marine biodiversity and increase the management effectiveness of the national marine protected area network across the Bahamian archipelago.
Pine Islands Project
Integrate Biodiversity Considerations & Ecosystem Services into Forest Management and Land Use Planning (4 Pine Islands: Grand Bahamas, New Providence, Abaco and Andros)
BIG POND DEVELOPMENT PARK (in partnership with Ministry of Works)
EMERGING SUSTAINABLE CITIES (in partnership with Office of the Prime Minister)
Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Project
The current Country Strategy (2010-2014) supports GoBH efforts to enhance growth by improving infrastructure and supporting SME development.